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Mierisch Family

創業当初から毎年取引のある農園です。フィンカスミエリッヒは、品種の研究に熱心であることでも有名です。彼らは複数の農園を所有しており、各農園に合う品種を選定することに長けています。実際、多様な品種、そして多くの農園でカップオブエクセレンスなどの品評会で上位に入賞してきました。ホンジュラスCOEを2019、2021と連続優勝したサンタルシアゲイシャなど、多くの素晴らしいコーヒーを供給してもらっています。A long time partner, our friends from Nicaragua. We have been working with Fincas Mierisch since the very beginning of Apollon's Gold. They are well known for being very passionate about exploring the diversity of coffee cultivars, and have won many competitions with different cultivars. We are very proud to be able to offer their coffees here at Apollon's Gold.

Pepe Jijon

コロンビアにほど近い、インバブラ県を拠点とする生産者です。職人気質で熱心な生産者として、2021年ごろより世界的に人気があり、他の多くのコーヒー生産者からも慕われています。2022年より交流が始まり、品種や土地の個性を尊重する考えが一致したことがきっかけとなり、2023年より正式な取扱がはじまりました。彼の希少なコーヒーを提供できることを光栄に思っています。品種の特徴を強調するようなプロセスで知られています。A passionate artisanal producer in Ecuador. He loves the terroir of Imbabura, alongside some terroir booster profiles. We got to know each other via social media in 2022 and started working together in early 2023. He was our very first direct trade coffee producer. His coffee speaks his passion and and his amazing work is shown in his cultivars.

Pepe's coffees

Oscar and Luis Monge

モンゲ兄弟(ラリアマイクロミル)との取引は2018年より始まりました。彼らは品種はもちろん、土壌や微生物などのコーヒーを取り巻く環境と生物に精通しており、数多くの品種の栽培はもちろん、新たな農地の開墾にも精力的に取り組んでいます。特にイエローティピカ品種を、2021年より毎年Apollon’s Gold専用に生産してもらっています。Our friends from Costa Rica, we have been working with Oscar and Luis since 2018. The brothers are renowned for their knowledge about soil, microbes, and microclimates, all of which affect the end product immensely. They're passionate about exploring new plots, which we love.

We're very grateful to them for providing us an exclusive lot from Pie San, one of our favorite coffees.

Jose Luiz Chevas


A young talent and passionate producer in Boquete, Panama. We met Jose through a mutual friend who is an SCA expert, and started working with him in 2023 for our anniversary. Although the Chevas Estate is still in its infancy, his coffees display soft, round, and vibrant terroir of Boquete very well. In recent years, it's been difficult to source classic Boquete geishas, so we're very lucky that Jose is producing both traditional and progressively modern coffees at such a high level.

Edgar Gutierrez

エドガーのコーヒーを共通の友人の勧めで購入したことがきっかけで、2021年より取引が始まりました。品種やプロセス関する知見が深く、ゲイシャ、パカマラにとどまらず、多くの希少品種を高品質に仕上げています。A master of processing and passionate producer, our friend Edgar in Cordillera, Panama. He is the owner of Corpachi farm and also works with Ponderosa farm as their manager of processing. We were first introduced to him by a mutual friend, and our very first trial of his coffee in early 2021 blew our minds. We knew we had to work with him, and began a partnership in 2022. He's become renowned for his incredible processing methods, and we love how passionate he is about coffee and cultivars, seen in the wide range of cultivars at his farm and the unbelievable coffee he produces.

Edgar's coffees

Alietta Family

先進的な栽培手法に定評のあるアリエッタファミリー。研究所との提携により、それぞれの土地に適合した品種と、その特徴を活かすプロセスで、彼らの土地の特徴を表現ています。2021年より、ETH47を毎年全量買い付けています。An ambitious and progressive family-run producer in West Valley, Costa Rica. They team up with institutes there to both continuously check on the quality of their coffees, but also to improve and evolve their coffee agriculturally and scientifically. We've been buying their ETH47 cultivar exclusively since 2021, and hopefully we will continue working with them for the foreseeable future.

Jose Luis Eguiguren

2024年、ペペヒホンさんの紹介で取引が始まった、品種の特徴を最大限に表現する生産者。バリスタチャンピオンなど、多くの競技者とのコラボと特殊プロセスで有名な生産者ですが、私たちは特に彼の伝統的な生産処理のコーヒーに感銘を受けました。New partner from 2024. Jose Luis has been producing very high quality coffee with an incredible consistency at his farm Hacienda Santa Gertrudis. Although he is widely renowned for his experimental process coffees in collaboration with champion baristas, we especially love his authentic washed and honey process coffees. His coffee speaks the cultivar itself so well and we fell in love at once when we tried his sample offerings and soon have become our favorite origin.

Jose's coffees

Pablo Andres Guerrero

私たちのコロンビア初のパートナーは、2021年COE優勝でも知られるエルオブラヘ農園です。彼のコーヒーは2200-2300メートルという驚異的に高い標高を生かした、力強い味わいのコーヒーが特徴です。どの品種も圧倒的な強度があり、まさにパワーが違いすぎる農園。Our very first direct trade partner in Colombia .His farm, Hacienda El Obraje is well known for COE 1st place winning farm in 2021. He has been producing another level washed coffees at the extremely high grown location of 2200-2300masl. Producing coffee in super high grown region is always challenging but those super high grown coffee delivers incredible intensity in every aspect.

Pablo's coffees

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