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El Obraje Caturra

Regular price ¥1,870

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Degassing notice

We recommend degassing this coffee for at least 35 days, up to 70. Our coffees often peak around 45 days and 60 days post-roast and are best enjoyed from then until the 90 day mark.

Our omniroast style leads to abnormally long degassing times, but just trust us, once your coffee is degassed properly, you're in for a treat.

Hacienda El Obraje

Pablo Andres Guerrero

Caturra - Classic Washed


2021年、ゲイシャ種でCOE優勝を果たした名農園。カトゥーラ種は栽培が難しく、踏み込みが足りないフレーバーの印象のロットも市場には少なからず見受けられますが、彼らのカトゥーラは驚くほど華やかなアロマをもっています。2200メートルの標高が、華やかで力強い味わいを生み出します。ピーチやピンクグレープフルーツのような鮮やかなフルーツ感。If coffees weren’t limited to being brown, this caturra would be sunset pink. One sip and you’ll know what we mean. It has a pink and apricot vibe to it, with a very juicy peach forward initial taste leading into a bright stonefruit body, and lemongrass finish typical of Colombian caturra. Juicy and sweet, this is a good one for the summer.

Our tasting notes:

  • peach, stonefruit, grapefruit, cranberry, lemongrass

Area:  Narino, Colombia

Altitude: 2200 masl

Varietal: Caturra

Process: classic washed

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